Seascapes and Landscapes

Moody Evening 36x25 Suzanne Thomson Canadian Acrylic Artist
Seascape Inspiration30x24SuzanneThomsonCanadianAcrylicArtist
Waters Edge 24x18
New Wave 36x24
Altered Perspective 36x36
Arran Beach 24x24
Moody Evening 36x25
Aqua Pure 60x60 Acrylic on Wood Panel
Seascape Inspiration 30x24
Storm Watch30x30 SOLD
Aros The Isle of Mull 36x36
A Change in Optics 40x30
Loch Light 36x36
Mimosa Skies 24x24 Framed
Looking Out for Skye 36x36
Lava Shores 24x24 SOLD
Remembering Mull 24x24
Tipperary DNA 30x24
Joan's Mist 36x24
Good Morning Heather 24x24 SOLD
Clifden on the Rocks 40x30 SOLD
Rugged Horizon 18x24
Rocky Mountain Outline 37x26 Framed SOLD
Lonsdale Skyline 48x60 SOLD
Waiting in Kinsale 30x24
Thurso 24x24 SOLD
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Waters Edge 24x18
Waters Edge 24x18
New Wave 36x24
New Wave 36x24
Altered Perspective 36x36
Altered Perspective 36x36
Arran Beach 24x24
Arran Beach 24x24
Moody Evening 36x25
Moody Evening 36x25
Aqua Pure 60x60 Acrylic on Wood Panel
Aqua Pure 60x60 Acrylic on Wood Panel
Seascape Inspiration 30x24
Seascape Inspiration 30x24
Storm Watch30x30  SOLD
Storm Watch30x30 SOLD
Aros The Isle of Mull 36x36
Aros The Isle of Mull 36x36
A Change in Optics 40x30
A Change in Optics 40x30
Loch Light 36x36
Loch Light 36x36
Mimosa Skies 24x24 Framed
Mimosa Skies 24x24 Framed
Looking Out for Skye 36x36
Looking Out for Skye 36x36
Lava Shores 24x24 SOLD
Lava Shores 24x24 SOLD
Remembering Mull 24x24
Remembering Mull 24x24
Tipperary DNA 30x24
Tipperary DNA 30x24
Joan's Mist 36x24
Joan's Mist 36x24
Good Morning Heather 24x24 SOLD
Good Morning Heather 24x24 SOLD
Clifden on the Rocks 40x30 SOLD
Clifden on the Rocks 40x30 SOLD
Rugged Horizon 18x24
Rugged Horizon 18x24
Rocky Mountain Outline 37x26 Framed  SOLD
Rocky Mountain Outline 37x26 Framed SOLD
Lonsdale Skyline 48x60 SOLD
Lonsdale Skyline 48x60 SOLD
Waiting in Kinsale 30x24
Waiting in Kinsale 30x24
Thurso 24x24 SOLD
Thurso 24x24 SOLD
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My first trips to Scotland and Ireland awakened my ancestral memories which continue to inspire my work. Their rugged coastlines, mystical bogs, and ever changing seas are reflected in my brushstrokes and multilayered approach to each piece.

As I paint, I imagine the ancient ships that sailed the seas, and those that walked the beaches and bright green fields of these two countries.  I feel the crisp air, the hearty soil, and the contrast of the crashing beaches, yet the calm beauty of the ocean.